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dc.contributor.authorBoyko, Olexandra O.-
dc.contributor.authorBoyko, O. O.-
dc.contributor.authorBoyko, A. A.-
dc.contributor.authorBoyko, O.-
dc.contributor.authorBoyko, A.-
dc.contributor.authorБойко, Олександра Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorBrygadyrenko, V. V.-
dc.contributor.authorBrygadyrenko, Victor-
dc.contributor.authorBrygadyrenko, Victor V.-
dc.contributor.authorБригадиренко, Віктор Васильович-
dc.identifier.citationBoyko, O. O., & Brygadyrenko, V. V. (2019). The impact of acids approved for use in foods on the vitality of Haemonchus contortus and Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda) larvae. Helminthologia, 56(3), 202–210. doi:10.2478/helm-2019-0017. URI : http://dspace.dsau.dp.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2747.uk
dc.descriptionБойко Олександра Олександрівна https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7299-9920uk
dc.description.abstractThe laboratory experiment described in this article evaluated the death rate of larvae of Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi, 1803) nematodes of the Strongylida order and Strongyloides papillosus (Wedl, 1856) of the Rhabditida order under the impact of different concentrations of 8 fl avouring acids and source materials approved for use in and on foods and in medicine (formic, wine, benzoic, salicylic, stearic, kojic, aminoacetic, succinic acids). Minimum LD50 for third stage larvae of (L3 ) S. papillosus was observed with salicylic and wine acids, for L3 H. contortus larvae – with formic acid. Minimum impact on all studied stages of development of nematodes was caused by stearic, kojic, aminoacetic and succinic acids: larvae did not die in the course of one day even at 1 % concentration of these substances. The best parameters of LD50 were observed for benzoic and formic acid. Further experiments on fl avouring acids and source materials approved for use in and on foods and in medicines, and also their compounds, will contribute to developing preparations with a stronger impact on nematode larvae – parasites of the digestive tract of vertebrate animals and humans.uk
dc.publisherWalter de Gruyteruk
dc.subjectdeath rate of larvaeuk
dc.subjectсмертність личинокuk
dc.subjectnematodes of ungulatesuk
dc.subjectнематоди копитнихuk
dc.subjectflavouring acidsuk
dc.subjectсмакові кислотиuk
dc.titleThe impact of acids approved for use in foods on the vitality of Haemonchus contortus and Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda) larvaeuk
dc.title.alternativeВплив кислот, дозволених до вживання в їжу, на життєздатність личинок Haemonchus contortus та Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda)uk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації в наукометричній базі Scopus

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