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Title: Morphogenesis of gastric tissular components and immune structures in piglets
Other Titles: Морфогенез тканинних компонентів шлунка та імунних структур в свиней
Authors: Gavrilina, O.
Gavrilina, O. G.
Gavrylina, O.
Gavrylina, O. G.
Havrylina, O.
Havrylina, O. G.
Gavrilina, Olena
Гавриліна, Олена Геннадіївна
Gavrilin, P.
Gavrilin, P. N.
Gavrylin, P.
Gavrylin, P. M.
Havrylin, P. M.
Havrylin, P.
Gavrilin, Pavlo
Gavrilin, Pavel
Gavrilin, P. M.
Гаврилін, Павло Миколайович
Keywords: postnatal ontogenesis
постнатальний онтогенез
lymphatic vessels
лімфатичні судини
stomach lymph nodes
шлункові лімфовузли
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Premier Publishing s.r.o.
Citation: Gavrilina, O., & Gavrilin, P. (2018). Morphogenesis of gastric tissular components and immune structures in piglets. doi:10.29013/ – URI :
Abstract: Complication of ecology all over the world stipulates decreased autarcesis in animals and human. Mammals are under an especially strong negative impact of the up-to-date ecology during the prena¬tal period of ontogeny which is related with disorders in mother-pla¬centa-fetus system. As a consequence animals are born with various prenatal growth and development. At the same time morphological underdevelopment is the most typical for the digestive apparatus and immune formations and that stipulates disorders of their func¬tions after the first-second feeding with mother’s colostrum which is an optimal source of energy for animals during the neonatal period of life. The current situation concerning reduced viability of newborn animals requires a more detailed research of tissue components of tu¬bular digestive organs and their immune structures taken in conjunc¬tion with organism prenatal growth and development. The purpose of this research consists in improving the livestock safety. Providing people with high-quality products of animal origin is possible only in case of an effective management in all livestock sec¬tors including pig breeding [1–4]. But influence of negative environ¬mental factors affects adversely growth and development of animals and this leads to decrease of their immune resistance [5–9]. These factors have the strongest negative impact on the organism of new¬born animals and in particular on the organism of piglets with unfin¬ished morphofunctional status and the situation is also complicated through biological peculiarities of their maturity when born [10–15]. Structural incompleteness of tissue components in organs of newborn animals animals on the one hand stipulates a high level of adaptability and on the other hand it stipulates insecurity to influ¬ence of various environmental factors. Practically all systems of new¬borns have a certain functional and morphological incompleteness and some of these systems just start their functioning for the first time [16–22]. In newborn animals feed ingredients affect primarily digestive organs and stomach taking a certain place among these or¬gans. Colostrum is delivered to the stomach of piglets not later than few minutes after birth. And in view of this fact structures of stomach coats in newborn piglets must be sufficiently structurally and func¬tionally mature in order to provide ingestion of nutrients as well as to prevent penetration of foreign proteins to lymph and blood. During the neonatal period of ontogeny an intensive morphogenesis of stomach tissue components in mammals takes place. Morphological changes of this organ are first of all stipulated by substances coming with feed (particularly protein substances stimulating transformation of tissue components and immune formations of its coats) [29–32]. But peculiarities of structural organization of tissue components as well as dynamics of their formation in stomach wall coats in piglets are not sufficiently covered in scientific literature. Stomach secretory function undergoes changes according to the age as well as depending on the general state of the or¬ganism [33–37]. But in comparison with a significant number of works about peculiarities and functions of stomach in newborn children [27, 38–44], morphology of tissue components of vari¬ous parts of stomach wall in animals has been much less studied. Researchers have not reached a consensus on structural pecu¬liarities of immunogenesis organs providing full-rate immunity of animals during their neonatal period of life [45–50]. Digestive organs are characterized by intensively developed lymphoid struc¬tures integration of which with boundary tissues represents the basis of organism barrier reactions [45, 51–58]. Stomach lymphatic ves¬sels in combination with regional lymph nodes not only perform a drainage function but also exercise control over presence of foreign substances in lymph and neutralize these substances [59–64]. But scientific literature sources contain almost no information about peculiarities of stomach immune formations in neonatal piglets. Монографія аналізує проблему постнатального морфогенезу тканинних компонентів, імунних структур та лімфатичних судин шлунка поросят. Встановлено, що ступінь диференціації і спеціалізація основних структур шлункової стінки у новонародженої свині залежить від їх маси тіла (відповідність маси тіла новонароджених поросят до породи стандарту). Результати аналізу пов'язані з віковими змінами основних компонентів стінки шлунка свиней на початку постнатального онтогенезу. Особливості зростання та розвитку імунної системи поросят зі слизової оболонки шлунка, лімфатичних судин і шлункових лімфатичних вузлів під час постнатальної адаптації інтерпретуються.
Description: Гавриліна Олена Геннадіївна Гаврилін Павло Миколайович
ISBN: 978-3-903197-66-4
Appears in Collections:Монографії, розділи монографій

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