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Title: The matrix model for assessessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises
Authors: Vinichenko, Igor
Shutko, Tetiana
Keywords: economic efficiency
investment attractiveness
matrix model
research methods
agricultural enterprises
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Vinichenko I. Shutko T. The matrix model for assessessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises.(2019). – Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – Vol. 5, No. 3, 9-16. – Режим доступу : URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу):
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is concerned with the relevant problem of regional development – the development of methodological instruments for assessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises. The article discusses the concept of “investment attractiveness” and justifies the author’s position of its content. It has been established that the enterprise is an open system, so its appeal includes both internal and external environment, so the analysis of investment attractiveness of the enterprise is proposed to be carried out in stages, revealing its real and potential opportunities and threats at every economic level. Methodology. The analysis of existing domestic and foreign approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises was carried out and the use of an integrated approach in conducting this investigation was argued. The algorithm of forming an integral indicator for assessing the investment attractiveness of an agricultural enterprise is substantiated. Results. The authors have proposed a methodical approach, the peculiarity of which is the construction of a matrix model for assessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises on the basis of a generalized indicator of quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating their production and financial position and investment potential. Methodical research instruments include mathematical methods of statistical data processing and expert evaluation using the weighing coefficient theory. Practical implications. Approbation of the methodological instruments was carried out on the example of agricultural enterprises of the Dnipropetrovsk region, as a result of which the most acceptable forms of attracting investment capital were proposed. Those companies can expect investments that have high investment attractiveness, which is 10.5% of the investigated producers. Enterprises of the first group are the most preferred for all types of investors: the largest land and labour potential, high results of economic activity. Agricultural enterprises of the second group have significant resource potential and provide 48.6% of gross output; they can be attributed to “strong middle peasants.” Agricultural enterprises with low investment attractiveness can also count on investment funds. We believe that the most acceptable form of their attraction is the creation basis of unprofitable farms of enterprises with the participation of domestic and foreign capital.
ISSN: ISSN (Print): 2256-0742
ISSN (Online): 2256-0963
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації в наукометричній базі Web of Science

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