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Title: Ефективність використання мікродобрив та регуляторів росту рослин в посівах соняшнику Північного Степу
Other Titles: Еffectiveness of use of micro-fertilizers and plant growth regulators for crops of the northern steppe region
Authors: Ткаліч, Юрій Ігоревич
Tkalich, Yuriy
Цілюрик, Олександр Іванович
Tsyliuryk, Аleksandr
Козечко, Володимир Іванович
Kozechko, Vladimir
Keywords: соняшник
регулятори росту рослин
plant growth regulators
drought tolerance
heat resistance
врожай насіння
seed yield
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Інститут олійних культур НААН
Citation: Ткаліч Ю. І. Ефективність використання мікродобрив та регуляторів росту рослин в посівах соняшнику Північного Степу / Ю. І. Ткаліч, О. І. Цилюрик, В. І. Козечко // Науково-технічний бюлетень Інституту олійних культур НААН : фахове вид. – Запорожье, 2017. – Вип. 24. – С. 216-225.- Режим доступу:
Abstract: Встановлена висока ефективність використання регулятора росту Вимпел−К для інкрустації насіння та бакової суміші Вимпел з мікродобривами Оракул мультикомплексом і Оракул коламін бором для обприскування рослин соняшнику гібриду Ясон в фазу 2-3 і 5-6 пар листків, що дало можливість отримати максимальний врожай насіння в розмірі 2,70-2,73 т/га. Використання вищезазначених препаратів в технології вирощування гібриду ПР 64Е83 суттєво підвищувало врожай культури до 3,12 т/га, або на 0,7 т/га (22,4%) більше порівняно з контролем за рахунок вищих показників посухо і жаростійкості рослин. Due to changes in the priorities of the development of Steppe agriculture, there is a need to level the negative factors (degradation, crop rotation, deterioration of water, nutrient and humus regimes) and the improvement of the plant nutrition system for sunflower in the direction of more wide usage, except for mineral and organic fertilizers, microfertilizers, regulators growth of plants, taking into account the soil-climatic conditions, the humidity of chernozem, minimization of soil cultivation, the number of abandoned post-dormancy remnants of the predecessor, phytosanitary state crops, etc. In order to partially protect sunflower from adverse weather conditions, anthropogenic stress, the use of physiologically active substances that can regulate is becoming increasingly important recently. According to the results of the research, a clear tendency to increase the field similarity of seeds by 3,6-5,9% was noted during processing of the seed material of sunflower Vimpel-K. In other variants of the experiment, the field similarity of the seed was practically the same and amounted to 79.6-80.8%. In turn, the similarity values of seeds were also reflected in the pre-harvest density of plant standing, that is, the smallest number of plants was observed on the control (without seeding Vimpel - K) – 65,1 thousand pcs/ha, and on processed variants Vympel - K plants varied in the range of 66,9-68,1 thousand pcs / ha. In other words, there is a direct correlation between the similarity of the seed and the density of plant standing. According to this, the maximum drought tolerance was inherent in the variations of the experiment with two-use Vimpel, Oracle multicomplex, Orakul collamide boron in the phase 2-3 and 5-6 pairs of leaves. Accordingly, the maximum yield of sunflower seeds is obtained here – 2,70-2,73 t/ha. Somewhat worse results were obtained with the use of Vimpel and Oracle multicomponent where the drought tolerance was slightly lower than the previous versions by 2,9% and heat resistance by 2,5%, but higher than control without treatment with drugs by 40,2%. The deterioration of the above-mentioned indicators also contributed to a decrease in yields by 0,12 t / ha (4,4%). Proceeding from this it can be argued that all variants of the use of Pomerania and Oracle significantly increased the resistance of plants to drought, high temperatures, and as a result of this and seed yield, especially the use of vimpel was used when spraying plants during the vegetation (phase 2-3 pairs of leaves). In the second experiment, in the crops of the hybrid PR 64E83, plant growth regulators Vimpel, Vimpel-K and micronutrient Oracle multicomponent and Oracle kolamin bor used plant growth and biometric indices. Only the differences in determining the elements of the structure of the crop are noted, in particular, the increase in the diameter of the basket in the variants of the use of drugs. Thus, with the full complex of preparations in different phases of growth and development of plants, the diameter of the basket increased by a maximum value of 1,7 cm (10%) compared with the control without cultivation. With the use of other combinations of preparations, the diameter of the basket increased by 15.8-16,5 cm (2,5-6,6%), that is, the minimum was only for incrustation of seed material with the preparation Vimpel-K. The positive effect of drugs on a weight of 1000 seeds and weight of seeds from a basket were also noted, which increased by 0,2-6,0 (0,4-9,8%) and 0,5-6,8 grams (0,9-10,8%) in accordance with absolutely maximum indices when using the complete complex of preparations in different phases of growth and development of plants. Straw proportional to the elements of the structure of the crop (diameter of the basket, the mass of 1000 seeds, the mass of seeds from the basket) also correlated the yield of sunflower seeds, namely, the maximum seed collection using a complete set of preparations where the seeds were treated with Vympel - K, introduced by Vympel, Oracle multicomplex, Oracle kolamine boron in phases 2-3 and 5-6 pairs of leaves and received 3.12 tons / ha, which significantly exceeded control by 0,7 t/ha (22,4%). The use of dasgs in the phase of only 2-3 pairs of sunflower leaves in the remaining variants provided an increase in seed yield by 10-11% compared with control.
ISSN: 2308-4952
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті

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