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Title: Наслідки насичення сівозмін соняшником
Other Titles: Сonsequences of saturation of crop rotation with a sunflower
Authors: Кохан, Андрій Володимирович
Kokhan, Andrej
Цілюрик, Олександр Іванович
Tsyliuryk, Аleksandr
Лень, Олександр
Len, Аleksandr
Keywords: соняшник
crop rotation
насичення сівозміни соняшником
saturation of crop rotation with sunflower.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Інститут олійних культур НААН
Citation: Кохан А. В. Наслідки насичення сівозмін соняшником / А. В. Кохан, І. О. Лень, О. І. Цилюрик // Науково-технічний бюлетень Інституту олійних культур НААН : фахове вид. – Запоріжжя, 2016. – Вип. 23. – С. 131-136.- Режим доступу:
Abstract: В статті наведені результати дослідження з вивчення впливу насичення сівозмін соняшником на його урожайність та ушкодження хворобами в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України. Найвищу врожайність соняшнику (2,76 т/га) одержано у семипільній сівозміні, де його частка становила 14,3%. Збільшення насичення сівозміни соняшником поступово знижує його врожайність. Аналогічна тенденція прослідковувалась і при визначенні ураження рослин соняшника хворобами. One of the factors to increase sowing areas under sunflower is high profitability of its growing and permanent demand in internal as well as in external markets. But with violation of crop rotations many economies ran into the problem of sharp increase of illnesses, worsening of the nourishing mode of soil and with reduction to the productivity of agricultural cultures. The correct location of sunflower in a crop rotation has an outstanding value. Him the permanent growing is impossible, as well as frequent return into previous place of placing. With the purpose to find out possibility of scientifically reasonable expansion of sowing of sunflower and define influence on the productivity of it on black soil the typical veil humus of left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine in 1999 at the Poltava state agricultural Research station stationary experience was stopped up. In middle for eighteen years of research (table. 1) the greatest productivity of sunflower (2,76 t/ha) was got in a seven-field crop rotation, where his part presented 14,3%. At the satiation of crop rotation by a sunflower to 20, 25, 33,3, 50% his productivity went down gradually. An especially fall-off was observed on the eighteenth year of researches in a two-field crop rotation - on 0,55 т/and and to the three-field crop rotation - on 0,27 т/and. In relation to the productivity on five-year that is marked that her decline happened in second five-year, however in the third - she was some higher than first five-year that can be related to higher potential of the productivity of hybrids of sunflower of new generation. Researches of the phytosanitary position showed the different degree of defeat of plants the causative agents of illnesses. For parts of sunflower in a crop rotation 50 % the level of staggered of plants by illnesses was considerably higher, than at other crop rotations. The general percent of the damaged plants in this crop rotation presented 33,6 %, that on 31,8 % higher, than for parts of satiation of crop rotation a sunflower 14,3 %. At the satiation of crop rotation a sunflower on 33,3% is marked also high index of blight disease - 17,7 %. Consequently, by the results of the protracted study of efficiency of growing of sunflower at a different satiation to them the field crop rotations on typical veil humus of black soil of left-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine, generalizations of productive experience are certified by the following: by Principal reason of decline of the productivity of sunflower of violation of scientifically-reasonable crop rotations and failure to observe of technology of his growing.
ISSN: 2308-4952
Appears in Collections:Наукові статті

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