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Title: Продуктивное долголетие голштинских коров европейской селекции разных линий в условиях промышленной технологии
Other Titles: Продуктивне довголіття голштинських корів європейської селе-кції різних ліній в умовах промислової технології
Productive longevity of Holstein cows of European selection of different lines in industrial technology conditions
Authors: Милостивий, Роман Васильович
Mylostyvyi, Roman
Milostiviy, Roman
Milostivyiy, Roman
Карлова, Ліна Валентинівна
Karlova, Lina
Keywords: корови
голштинська порода
Holstein breed
довічна продуктивність
lifetime productivity
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Інститут розведення і генетики тварин ім. М. В. Зубця НААН
Citation: Милостивый Р. В. Продуктивное долголетие голштинских коров европейской селекции разных линий в условиях промышленной технологии / Р. В. Милостивый, Л. В. Карлова // Розведення і генетика тварин : міжвід. темат. наук. зб. / Інститут розведення і генетики тварин ім. М. В. Зубця НААН. – К., 2017. – № 54. – С. 65-74. – Режим доступу :
Abstract: Исследовано влияние линейной принадлежности на продуктивное долголетие и пожизненную молочную продуктивность голштинского скота европейской селекции в условиях промышленной технологии. Установлено достоверное влияние генетического происхождения коров на величину пожизненного удоя, содержания жира и белка в молоке, а также сроки их хозяйственного использования, что подтверждает целесообразность использовать в селекционно-племенной работе производителей выдающихся линий, которые объединяют в себе высокую племенную ценность по продуктивности дочерей с улучшающим эффектом по длительности их хозяйственного использования. Полученные данные указывают на возрастание силы влияния линейной принадлежности на пожизненные показатели продуктивности коров отечественной генерации, что свидетельствует об ослаблении действия паратипических факторов в условиях круглогодового беспривязно-боксового содержания и однотипного кормления. Score productive longevity of dairy cattle is an important scientific and practical importance. It is known that among genetic factors, significant effects of linear affiliation of their parents. It is demonstrated that effective breeding subject to strict compliance with the screening system, selection and evaluation of animal breeding values reported by domestic and foreign authors. The purpose of the work was to study the influence of linear membership on productive longevity and lifetime milk productivity of Holstein cattle of European breeding. Studies carried out on cows Holstein breed using data management system dairy cattle breeding "Orsek". Found that targeted breeding work and selection in a herd of imported European cattle breeding Holstein using information systems selection bulls MAR company CRI meets the latest requirements of the ICAR and Subcommittee on the unified international assessment of manufacturers (Interbull) contributed to a change in the number of separate lines among the cows first generation. This has led to an increase in the percentage of manufacturers lines daughters Valiant 1650414.73, Starbuck 352790.79, as well as Cheef 1427381.62. on the basis of the desired economic-useful signs. It is established that the value of productive longevity of cows depending on linear conditioning averaged 3.1 ... 3.9 lactations. By this measure, the daughter of Starbuck's lines were superior animals Holstein breed other lines by the number of lactations: Chevalier - 0.1 or 2.6% (td = 0.25; P ≤ 0.95); Bell - 0.5 or 14.7% (td = 0.95; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant - at 0.8 or 25.8% (td = 1.52; P ≤ 0.95); Eleveyshn - 0.8 or 25.8% (td = 1.91; P ≤ 0.95); Cheef - 0.5 or 14.7% (td = 1.27; P ≤ 0.95). It has been proven that milk productivity and milk quality of the imported Holstein cows and their offspring of domestic generation attributable to linear. The highest lifetime yield of Holstein breed cows had Starbuck lines, which outnumbered their import contemporaries other lines: Chevalier - 2818.7 kg or 8.2% (td = 0.46; P ≤ 0.95); Bell - 3404.5 kg or 10.1% (td = 0.61; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant - 5553.8 kg or 17.5% (td = 1.26; P ≤ 0.95); Eleveyshn - 7368.9 kg or 24.6% (td = 1.78; P ≤ 0.95); Cheef - 5500.5 kg or 17.3% (td = 1.38; P ≤ 0.95). The father's genotype had a significant impact on the quality of the milk. It should be noted that cows Starbuck's line differed relatively high fat content in the milk. By this measure the superiority of animals this line over imported cows other lines: Chevalier - 0.5% (td = 2.38; P ≥ 0.95); Bell - 0.2% (td = 1.38; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant - 0.6% (td = 2.78; P ≥ 0.95); Eleveyshn - 0.4% (td = 3.23; P ≥ 0.99); Cheef - 0.2% (td = 1.44; P ≤ 0.95). However, large protein content in milk cows belonging to different lines of Bella, who on this indicator had superiority over animals other lines: Chevalier - 0.2% (td = 1.03; P ≤ 0.95); Starbuck - 0.1% (td = 0.59; P ≤ 0.95); Valiant - 0.5% (td = 2.31; P ≥ 0.95); Eleveyshn - 0.2% (td = 1.85; P ≤ 0.95); Cheef - 0.1% (td = 1.15; P ≤ 0.95). It should be noted that only the cows first generation Valiant lines and Eleveyshn marked positive relationship between life and the content of cows in milk fat and protein (r = +0.17 ... +0.40), which may indicate the possibility of holding breeding work to improve these symptoms. So in the breeding work it is advisable to use manufacturers of prominent lines that combine high breeding value on productivity of daughters with improving effect on the duration of their use. The results of the research show that the effective use of well-known manufacturers and imported Holstein breed brood in breeding work with dairy cattle of Ukraine. However, shortening the productive use of animals in conditions of industrial technology should serve as a stimulus to study and find ways to solve this problem.
ISSN: 2312-0223
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