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Title: Вплив періоду лактації, часу надою, сезону на кількість соматичних клітин молока кіз
Other Titles: Іnfluence of lactation period, yield time, season on the somatic cells count in goat milk
Authors: Зажарська, Надія Миколаївна
Zazharska, N. М.
Костюченко, Катерина Геннадіївна
Kostiuchenko, Kateryna
Keywords: молоко кіз
milk of goats
соматичні клітини молока
somatic cells in milk
період лактації
час надою
milk yield time
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Зажарська Н. М. Вплив періоду лактації, часу надою, сезону на кількість соматичних клітин молока кіз / Н. М. Зажарська, К. Г. Костюченко // Проблеми зооінженерії та ветеринарної медицини : зб. наук. пр. / Харк. держ. зоовет. акад. – Х., 2015. – Вип. 31. – Ч. 2. : Ветеринарні науки. – С. 179-184. – Режим доступу :
Abstract: Changes of somatic cells count in goat milk depending on the season, lactation period, yield time, portions of milk during milking were studied. The effects of a season on the physical-chemical parameters of milk were also investigated. The amount of somatic cells was determined by means of viscometric analyzer "SOMATOS-M". The biochemical indexes of milk were determined by means of ultrasonic analyzer of milk of "Ekomilk type MILKANA KAM 98-2a". Acidity of goat milk ranged from 20.4 to 22.3 oT in seasons, but the range of individual characteristics was 13 to 34oT in the first weeks after lambing. The density of studied samples was varied from 21.5 in summer to 34.8 oA in autumn. Protein and lactose in goat milk in autumn increased on 17.5% (with a significant difference) and 13.5% accordingly compared to the summer. Dry non-fat milk solids in the autumn increased by 15% over the summer. During summer fat milk was lower in 1.8 times compared with the winter period. The lowest freezing point marked in winter, accompanied by a high content of lactose, fat and the largest somatic cells count. Somatic cells count by seasons was lower than 500 thousands/ml. In autumn and winter the amount of somatic cells was 3.7 and 5 times accordingly more than the spring-summer figure. We investigated the somatic cells count in the milk of 8 goats during the one lactation. Six of the eight goats over six months of lactation gave milk with a rather constant level of somatic cells. In the first month of lactation milk of seven goats contained very low somatic cells count from 33 to 107 thousands / ml. Low and rather constant level of somatic cells (15 to 63 thousands / ml) was observed in milk of goats-firstborn, though the first lactation lasted only seven months. Significant variations of the somatic cells count were marked during the day. We investigated 170 milk samples from eight goats during more than year and a half. In each animal there was an increase of somatic cells count as the evening and morning. The dependence of the number of somatic cells occasionally yield time was not found. The index can change twice and more during the day. Були вивчені зміни кількості соматичних клітин у козиному молоці в залежності від сезону року, періоду лактації, часу надою, порцій молока при доїнні. Також досліджували вплив сезону року на фізико-хімічні показники молока. Восени та взимку кількість соматичних клітин у 3,7 і 5 разів відповідно більше весняного-літнього показника. При дослідженні молока восьми кіз протягом більше ніж півтора роки, у кожної тварини відмічалося збільшення кількості соматичних клітин, як ввечері, так і зранку.
URI: file:///C:/Users/Student/Downloads/ndbnndc_2015_3_1_21%20(2).pdf
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