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dc.contributor.authorМельниченко, Василь Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorMel’nichenko, Vasylʹ-
dc.identifier.citationМельниченко В. І. Показники роботи трактора Т-150К з дизелем СМД-62 зі серійним паливним насосом, універсальним регулятором, від’ємним коректором і обмежувачем димлення / В. І. Мельниченко // Вісник ДДАЕУ. – 2015. – № 4. – С. 77-83. – Режим доступу : http://dspace.dsau.dp.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2182uk
dc.description.abstractВикладено результати досліджень впливу універсального дворежимновсережимного регулятора з від’ємним коректором і пневматичним обмежувачем димлення на динамічні показники дизеля СМД-62 і трактора Т-150К. Визначено вплив дослідного регулятора на потужністні, екологічні та інші основні показники трактора на різних характерних режимах роботи. Tasks concerning the fuel economy, machine and tractor units effeciency while performing agricultural work and protecting the environment from the negative effects of diesel exhaust gases are relevant.Indicators of technique work in ordinary operating conditions depend on many factors. The biggest impact is performed by the follows: the technical condition of high pressure fuel pump; design features of the fuel pump; enhancements that improve the work of the pump and the diesel unit in the corresponding modes; the right choice of operation mode when performing a specific operation in these conditions; fuel on which the diesel works and the mixture content using new fuels such as biological fuel.One way of improving the tractor T-150K performance is input enhancements into the design of the fuel pump regulator ND-22: smoke pneumatic corrector, taking-off corrector, single-regime and multiple-regime regulator or dual-regime and multiple-regime universal regulator. In previous studies, indicated the devices that were used in the construction of the controller separately. In this paper the research results of their joint are shown.Since transients of diesel with multiple-regime regulators were investigated by many authors regulators and the results of these studies are widely known, the attention was focused on the transients in dual-regime regulation with turned on and turned off taking-off corrector and smoke pneumatic corrector.It was established that the diesel acceleration SMD-62 with a universal regulator on idling is advisable to move control arm by regulator on full speed by 0,13 sec.During diesel acceleration under the same conditions, but with turned on taking-off corrector and smoke corrector, maximum opacity of exhaust gases does not exceed 18–20 %, but the duration of acceleration increases by 70–72 %. Fuel consumption for the acceleration period is reduced by 14 % and soot emissions by 90 %. As increasing of diesel acceleration duration on idle isn’t essentially irrelevant, then it is necessary to see fit the use of taking-off corrector under these conditions.It was established that while transport unit acceleration with turn on taking-off corrector and smoke corrector the acceleration duration increases by 16–18 %, but fuel consumption during the acceleration period decreases by 8–10 %, and maximum opacity of exhaust fumes – from 90 to 46 %. These data indicate the benefit of taking-off corrector and smoke corrector using tractor T-150K on transport work.Taking-off corrector of fuel supply together with smoke corrector influence badly on unit dynamic indices while performing power-consuming field works: duration of acceleration increases by 40–50 %, fuel consumption increases by 30–40 %. The acceleration is almost impossible in especially difficult cases because of smoke corrector. It is necessary in these cases to turn off taking-off corrector with a special swith.uk
dc.publisherДніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університетuk
dc.subjectпаливний насосuk
dc.subjectfuel pumpuk
dc.subjectуніверсальний регуляторuk
dc.subjectmulti-purpose controluk
dc.subjectвід’ємний коректорuk
dc.subjecttaking-of correctoruk
dc.subjectобмежувач димленняuk
dc.subjectsmoke pneumatic correctoruk
dc.subjectдимність відпрацьованих газівuk
dc.subjectexhaust opacity of burnt gasesuk
dc.titleПоказники роботи трактора Т-150К з дизелем СМД-62 зі серійним паливним насосом, універсальним регулятором, від’ємним коректором і обмежувачем димленняuk
dc.title.alternativeIndices of tractor T-150K work with diesel SMD-62 with serial fuel pump, universal regulator, taking-off corrector and smoke pneumatic correctoruk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Вісник Дніпровського державного аграрно–економічного університету - до липня 2018 р.

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